![]() One million six hundred eighty-four thousand five hundred eighty-seven (#1,684,587). This number is very important to me and believe it or not, it is very important to a lot of other people as well (maybe even you). This number is my current Amazon Reviewer Ranking as of January 1, 2014. One of my goals for 2014 is to decrease this number to fewer than one million. Maybe even to under a hundred thousand. By decreasing Amazon Reviewer Ranking I am hoping to increase the exposure of other Christian authors. Amazon uses some pretty fancy algorithms in order to determine which products are displayed in search results and emails they send out. These algorithms are top secret and no one knows for sure how to ensure that a book or a product is displayed in an email. However, what people have been able to infer is that the more rankings a book have the more it gets noticed. In addition, the more rankings a book has by a “top review” (i.e., someone with a small Amazon Ranking) the more likely Amazon is likely to market that book or product. Thus my goal. You may be wondering how I am planning on doing this. I am planning on writing on average two reviews a week for the next year (104 reviews total). Each time I write a review, I am also planning on posting to my facebooks and twitter page. What I need from you supporters is to vote if your find the reviews helpful or not. Each time someone finds my reviews helpful, Amazon also gives me extra credit and decreases my ranking. There are also a few other reasons why I am doing this. As an author, I also know how receiving a positive review can make my day. Therefore, most of the reviews I am planning on doing on Amazon will be for Christian Children. Before you think of me as some sort of saint or a completely selfless person, I will also benefit from writing these reviews. Specifically, as I read and review other Christian Children books, I am sure I will get more ideas for books and become a better writer. So supporters, here is my latest review. Feel free to leave comments on your thoughts about Amazon Reviewer Ranking and your current Amazon Ranking. Please vote yes if you find this review helpful. As always continue to pray for me as I pray for you. Corine
1/7/2014 06:09:24 am
Keep at it. I have been reviewing books for over 6 years now, so I have a rating under 10,000, there are tons of factors in that system but I think alot of it is volume. Having people find your reviews helpful, helps alot also
1/8/2014 04:54:19 pm
Thank you so much for the encouragement. Wow, I am impressed by your amazon ranking. Keep it up. Let me know if you ever want to review on of my books.
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