Anyone who knows me knows I love books that answer life’s questions. I have finally found a book that answers the question of why do we color Easter eggs. The story covers a little boy named Thomas and his journey to learning/remembering the meaning of Easter eggs. Thomas and his sister are playing and he asks “What are Easter eggs?” Instead of answering right away, the sister teases him. Later that night, she becomes sick and Thomas is separated from his sister while she recovers. While staying with family friends, Thomas learns about Christ’s death, resurrection, and the reason we should have hope.
My only complaints about this book are that it does not include Bible verses or focus more on the resurrection. The book does end with a discussion of the traditions and symbols of the Easter season. The illustrations are wonderful and remind you of a simpler time. It also includes several wonderful vocabulary words and would make a wonderful addition to a homeschoolers library. In fact, check out homeschoolshares for a lapbook activity. http://www.homeschoolshare.com/legend_of_the_easter_egg.php So before your Easter egg hunt this year, read The Legend of the Easter Egg and help them understand the connection of Easter eggs to the resurrection of Christ. I am super excited that my friends at Zonder agreed to give one supporter a copy of The Legend of the Easter Egg as well as two other books The Berenstain Bears Keep the Faith and 101 Bible Stories from Creation to Revelation. One winner will receive all three books. Books will be shipped from Zondervan. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Until next time, please continue to pray for me as I pray for you. Corine
3/23/2014 12:41:21 pm
That is a great synopsis, Corine. Thanks for sharing this. And how cool that Zondervan is going to give away these three books. Sweet. Blessings, Amy
3/24/2014 10:32:21 am
Thanks for stopping by Amy and offering encouragement
3/26/2014 06:28:43 am
The review is great, but even better for the go-along lap book and the opportunity to win the prize pack. BTW, I am a huge fan of homeschool share. Ami Brainerd does some amazing things and I am blessed to know her. Thanks for encouraging moms to share more behind the traditions of why we celebrate our Risen Saviour. :)
3/26/2014 07:01:18 am
What a great gift. As a homeschool mom we are always looking for great books that help our children to understand why we homeschool, why we serve The Lord and why we should keep values and pass them on.
3/30/2014 03:52:31 am
I would love to know if this is all about "Christianizing" a pagan tradition. Can this coloring of eggs really be redeemed?
3/31/2014 01:07:53 pm
This a direct quote from the back of the book "Finally, on Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate Christ's resurrection. The egg, an ancient symbol of new life, has become for Christians a symbol of the resurrection. Through the gift of Easter eggs, Christians remind each other that through Christ's resurrection, they too will conquer death and receive the gift of eternal life."
We have enjoyed Homeschool share a lot. I've been over there a lot recently. We don't do easter eggs, but the book looks cute and I'd be curious to see how it ties eggs into the Resurrection. I'd want to see more Scripture in it too, assuming based upon what you wrote there isn't much or any.
Charlene Sydnor
4/2/2014 03:41:56 am
Corine, I am excited about this giveaway. I love reading christian books that makes it easy for children to understand what the bible is saying concerning life and how we celebrate holidays. Children need an easy way to understand the Word of God and what a GREAT way to explain to our children what the Word is saying than through people like you and so many other who have taken the time to expalin it to our children in a way that they can gain and understand that will last them a life time.
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